Monday, September 23, 2013

Let's Talk Clear Skin!

At 31 years old, the health and appearance of my skin has become increasingly important to me. Growing up, I've always had acne and blemish prone skin. In my younger years, I primarily relied on silicic acid products to help with my pimple problems, and they did for the most part, but the harsh unnatural chemicals in the products always left the skin on my face looking  dry and lifeless.

But  with age comes wisdom, and thanks be to God and the good old Internet, I've discovered many natural ways to keep my skin blemish free without robing it of it's moisture and radiance. Now I can proudly say that at 31, my skin looks the best it ever has!

One trick I've learned to conquer blemishes and obtain smooth glowing youthful skin is to do an Indian Bridal Mask 2x a week. I first found out about the mask when I came across a YouTube tutorial posted by a beautiful flawless skinned woman  named Farah Dhukai,  but before I got all willy nilly and start slathering stuff all over my face, I wanted to do my research first.

I found out that the mask dates back to ancient times and has since been traditionally used by Indian brides to beautify their skin before their wedding day. Though the origins of the mask are primarily from the Indian culture, many women from all cultural back grounds have backed up the claim that this mask is truly a cure for bad skin.

The ingredients for the mask are: Turmeric, Honey, Milk (full fat),  and Garbanzo bean/chic pea flour.
I researched the benefit of each ingredient  as it relates to the health of our skin, and here's what I found:

Raw Honey - contains anti aging properties that moisturize the skin, prevent wrinkles and fine lines and repair damage caused by the environment. It is also naturally protects the skin from the harmful rays of the sun.

Turmeric -  Helps reduce pigmentation on the face and evens out skin tone, fights against acne, reduces the growth of facial hair, and contains anti-oxidants that can help fight various skin diseases, including skin cancer.

Milk - has lactic acid that acts as an exfoliant and enzymes to smooth the skin. It is also very moisturizing.

Garbanzo bean/Chic pea Flour - increases circulation to the pores and removes toxins, reduces inflammation and evens out the complexion by lightening the skin.

Below, I posted the YouTube tutorial by Farah Dhukai and I also posted pics of my most recent Indian Bridal facial!


The below pictures are of me with no makeup what so ever!  


Back in the day you couldn't pay me to take a picture this close up!  I'm telling you people this stuff really works!

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